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· 2 min read
Multi-Hat SysAdmin

You found my random blog/documentation site, CONGRATES!!!

Hello! I am RG. What are you going to get from this site, Well mainly random babbling from myself and documentation with typo's and grammar's mistakes everywhere!!!!unless my wife catches it

Little background, I am currently the one and only NA Regional CoE infrastructure system administrator for a global manufacturing company in the US. My Main focus is on our Window Servers environment, Active Directory, M365, Entra, Azure, powershell, cybersecurity and assist with networking. Even with all those duties I still pick up random help desk() ticket on a daily bases. Our local help desk it only 2 people across 4 site in 2 states, excluding myself and regional IT Manager. The two things that caused me to look into creating this site was:

  1. I have been working on a lot of powershell script and sharing them internally with local and global teams. I am pretty proud of these and since I was already sharing them internally I figured I could share them via publicly.
  2. At work I am also Learning Azure cloud and terraform but I have a homelab also. I really need to document how I have stuff setup in my homelab.

I figured I would document my process I took to learning and implementing items at work and in my homelab, along with sharing my scripts. This way when I need to refresh my forgetful self I have something to look back on.
